Monday, April 18, 2011

Pharmaceutical Take Back Event - April 30, 2011

DEA take back event logo
Medicines that are flushed down a toilet or sink can contaminate water resources and can have a negative impact on fish and other aquatic species. Septic systems and public wastewater facilities are not designed to treat these products and eventually they can impact wells and community drinking water supplies.  Currently, there has been no evidence found of adverse effects on human health from pharmaceuticals in the environment but the long-term effects of pharmaceuticals and similar chemicals on humans are still being researched.  Unused and expired medications should be properly disposed of at community take-back events or by following guidelines established by the federal government.  For more info about pharmaceuticals in the environment, visit

Does your family have any unused or expired medications?  Drop by a pharmaceutical take back location on April 30, 2011 from 10am - 2pm to properly dispose of these potential environmental contaminants.  Local sites include the Fairfield Fire Department* and the Agriculture and Natural Resources Center in Gettysburg**.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) website contains information on the program as well as a national database of participating locations.  A map of take back locations in the Potomac River Basin is available here.

*The Fairfield Fire Department is located at 106 Steelman St, Fairfield, PA 17320.
**The Agriculture and Natural Resources Center is located at 670 Old Harrisburg Rd, Gettysburg, PA 17325.

Friday, April 15, 2011

April 13 Meeting Follow-Up

Thanks to all those who attended the April 13th advisory committee meeting!  The purpose was to discuss water quality issues in the watersheds.  The meeting agenda is available to download.  Draft meeting minutes are also available to download.  Presentations on water quality given at the meeting are listed below.

Dave Jostenski (DEP) - "Role of Water Quality in Development of CARP"
Pat Bowling (DEP) - "Water Quality in the Marsh Creek and Rock Creek Basins: Background Information"
Adam McClain (ACCD) - "Water Quality Issues with Private Supply Wells"
Rusty Ryan (ACCD) - "Stormwater Issues and Water Quality"

You are encouraged to post any lingering questions or comments from the meeting on this blog by clicking the blue "comments" button below the posting.

The next advisory committee meeting will be Wednesday, July 13th from 1-3pm at the Ag Center in Gettysburg.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 13 Advisory Committee Meeting

The next Critical Area Advisory Committee meeting will be held on April 13, 2011 from 1-3pm at the Agriculture and Natural Resource Center in Gettysburg.

Project kick-off meeting in September 2010
The main topic of the meeting will be the effect of water quality problems on the availability of water in the Marsh and Rock creek watersheds.  Presentations will be given on water quality issues including those facing private groundwater wells and those caused by stormwater.  Subsequent discussions by committee members and stakeholders on other water quality issues will be essential to identifying water quality data collection needs. 

Hope you can make it to the meeting on the 13th!