Approximately 26 people attended the January 11th advisory committee meeting. Thanks to all those who attended!
The main purpose of the meeting was to compile a list of potential management alternatives for evaluation and prioritization. The draft meeting minutes are now available for download
here. Two handouts were provided at the meeting. The first was a
synthesis of water resources issues facing the Marsh and Rock creek watersheds. The second was a
draft list of management actions that may be appropriate for addressing the water resources issues. Comments on any/all of these documents are welcome.
In order to include all proposed management alternatives in the evaluation and prioritization process, please submit additional ideas by February 10th via email (, phone (301.274.8116), or mail (ICPRB, 51 Monroe St. PE-08, Rockville, MD 20850).
The next meeting of the Critical Area Advisory Committee will be February 15th from 9am-3pm at the Ag Center in Gettysburg. Hope to see you there!