A list of potential conflicts that have been discussed at previous Critical Area Advisory Committee meetings is provided below. Feedback (including suggestions for modifications, additions, and removals) is most welcome!
- Increasing water availability for current and future water needs vs Increasing water availability drives population growth;
- Water availability for human use vs Water availability for ecosystem use;
- Managing by jurisdiction vs Collaborative management of water across jurisdictions;
- Stormwater as a nuisance vs Stormwater as a resource;
- Registration of water withdrawals helps manage water resources to ensure long-term availability vs Registration of water withdrawals is a way to try to regulate individual water uses;
- Regulations at local and state level vs Management necessary at the watershed level;
- Limited water availability during summer when uses are greatest vs Increased water availability in winter during lowest usage; and
- Wastewater effluent as a flow stabilizer/enhancer vs A source of nutrients and other pollutants.