The withdrawal and non-withdrawal uses in the Marsh and Rock Creek watersheds affect not only the local economy but ecosystem health as well. An analysis, undertaken to identify and quantify the myriad uses of water in the Marsh and Rock creek watersheds, is presented in Section 3.3.1 of the draft CARP. Withdrawal uses, for example, were estimated seasonally and annually for the entire CWPA and individual sub-watersheds. The largest water use type in the CWPA, shown in the pie chart, is domestic and public supply, followed by agriculture, industry, and mining. The bar chart shows total seasonal water use in the Marsh and Rock creek watersheds in million gallons, categorized by use type. Water use is highest in the summer and lowest in the winter. The seasonality of certain use types, such as agriculture, can also be seen.
Comments on the current water uses section and any other CARP section are welcome and can be submitted via email (, phone (301.274.8116), or at the upcoming July 11 combined CAAC and Potomac Regional Committee meeting.