Friday, June 29, 2012

Draft CARP Selections, Current Water Uses

The withdrawal and non-withdrawal uses in the Marsh and Rock Creek watersheds affect not only the local economy but ecosystem health as well. An analysis, undertaken to identify and quantify the myriad uses of water in the Marsh and Rock creek watersheds, is presented in Section 3.3.1 of the draft CARP. Withdrawal uses, for example, were estimated seasonally and annually for the entire CWPA and individual sub-watersheds.  The largest water use type in the CWPA, shown in the pie chart, is domestic and public supply, followed by agriculture, industry, and mining.  The bar chart shows total seasonal water use in the Marsh and Rock creek watersheds in million gallons, categorized by use type.  Water use is highest in the summer and lowest in the winter.  The seasonality of certain use types, such as agriculture, can also be seen.  

While flowing in the streams, the surface waters of the Marsh and Rock creek watersheds serve diverse functions from sustaining wildlife and their habitats to enhancing tourist experiences.  Nonwithdrawal uses, or instream uses, of the surface water resources can have ecological, social, and economic implications and, as such, management for these uses is important.  Nonwithdrawal uses that were evaluated include designated uses, recreation (fishing, birding, swimming and boating), wildlife and ecosystems, tourism, and education.

Comments on the current water uses section and any other CARP section are welcome and can be submitted via email (, phone (301.274.8116), or at the upcoming July 11 combined CAAC and Potomac Regional Committee meeting.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Draft CARP Selections, Water Resources Issues

Identification and evaluation of water resources issues have been underway in the Marsh and Rock creek watersheds for some time.  Through an ongoing stakeholder process, previous studies, and technical analyses, the CARP process identified 7 issues affecting water resources availability in the CWPA: water availability, water storage, water quality, stormwater, policy and management, data availability (staff gage photo), and communication.

The magnitude and extent of the water resources issues were investigated during a number of technical analyses.  A quantitative understanding of the issues, where possible, then informed the evaluation and selection of CARP management recommendations. 

Details on the rationale behind each identified issue can be found in Section 3.2 of the draft CARP. Comments on the water resources issues section and any other CARP section are welcome and can be submitted via email (, phone (301.274.8116), or at the upcoming July 11 combined CAAC and Potomac Regional Committee meeting.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June Ground Water Monitoring

On June 21st, the Conservation District completed the 18th round of monthly ground water monitoring for the Rock and Marsh Creek Critical Area Resource Plan. The ground water levels were lower in June then they were in May.  To see all the measurements, visit Adams County Monitoring Wells.

Draft CARP Selections, Stakeholder Participation

Water resources management in the Marsh and Rock Creek watersheds is benefited by a diverse group of committed stakeholders (including water suppliers, agriculture, local and state government, industry, etc.).  Thanks to everyone who has participated!

Development of the CARP included public participation throughout the process (see schematic below).  Specifically, a total of eleven CAAC meetings were held over the duration of the project including a project kick-off, quarterly meetings, public meetings, a workshop (see photo at top right) and meetings on special topics of interest. Other public outreach activities included development of a project flier, blog, newspaper articles, and attendance at meetings of local organizations.  CARP-related newspaper articles are available for download here and here. 

For more information on the stakeholder participation process used in the development of the CARP, see Section 3.1 of the draft CARP.  Feedback on this and other sections of the draft CARP are encouraged and can be made via email (, phone (301.274.8116), or at the upcoming July 11 combined CAAC and Potomac Regional Committee meeting.

Draft CARP Selections

Over the next two weeks, a series of blogs will be posted that highlight different parts of the draft CARP.  The purpose is to draw attention to the varied components and conclusions and to inform the discussion at the upcoming July 11th meeting.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Upcoming Meeting -- July 11th

There will be a combined Critical Area Advisory Committee and Potomac Regional Committee meeting on July 11th from 1-3pm at the Ag Center in Gettysburg. 

The purpose of the meeting is to introduce and discuss the draft CARP (available for download here) and the document review process and timeline.  Revisions to the document are expected based on feedback received from DEP, the committees, and the general public.  Future meeting dates, times, and objectives will also be determined.  A draft agenda for the meeting is available for download here.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Draft CARP Released

The draft CARP is now available for download and review.  On July 11th from 1-3pm at the Ag Center in Gettysburg, a combined CAAC and Potomac Regional Committee meeting will be held to discuss the draft CARP.   Hope to see you there!