Thursday, May 29, 2014

Upcoming Outreach Events on Water Issues

Penn State Extension Workshop on Ensuring Water Quality in Your Watershed
Penn State Extension will hold a workshop on high priority watershed issues affecting water quality and quantity in Pennsylvania on June 9 at the York Water Company Education Center in York. Topics include: Green Infrastructure, Riparian Buffers & Maintenance, Conservation Easements, Invasive Species Management and Control.
There is a nominal registration fee and the deadline to register is June 3.  Additional information and the link for online registration is available at
2014 PA Ground Water Association (PGWA) Summer Field Conference on Using Stiff-Foam to Air-Rotary Drill through Caving Overburden
For the 13th consecutive year, PGWA is waiving the registration fee for local, state, and federal government agency staff along with students, faculty, Master Well Owners, and Authority/Commission members or employees to attend the PGWA Summer Field Conference.  The field conference will be held on Friday June 13 at PGWA’s well demonstration site just west of State College (same site as last year – beside the Home Depot near Exit 69 of I-99).  This year's conference will demonstrate the use of Stiff-Foam to air-rotary drill through caving overburden. The Stiff-Foam drilling method uses significantly less air volume and creates a pseudo-wall-cake to minimize the collapsing of the caving overburden and to decrease the erosion of the borehole wall.  The foam also carries drill cuttings up the annular space to the surface.
This innovative drilling approach offers another option to overcome caving overburden conditions encountered during water well and geothermal borehole drilling.  The proper drilling and construction of any well is critical for protecting ground water quality and PGWA’s summer field conference is one of several initiatives by the group to provide outreach on the subject.  Large equipment and products used for water well construction, operation, and decommissioning along with the components of geothermal heat pump systems will also be on display.  A session on long-term water level monitoring to better characterize an aquifer will also be provided.  PGWA is offering 4.5 Professional Development Hours to licensed Professional Geologists and Professional Engineers who attend the entire program.  Advance registration is required and the deadline to register is June 6 Lunch will be provided.  Additional details and the online registration link can be found at

Lower Susquehanna Source Water Protection Partnership Meeting
The next meeting of the Lower Susquehanna Source Water Protection (SWP) Partnership will be held on July 2 in Harrisburg.  The Partnership is a group of water utilities and municipal/county officials interested in protecting drinking water in the Lower Susquehanna region.  The Partnership has been focusing on land-use planning and emergency preparedness/response as ways to enhance source water protection.  The July 2 meeting will cover the planning process and tools to enhance SWP efforts, SWP and emergency response nexus, PA Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (WARN), case studies of recent spills (chemical spill on Elk River in West Virginia and the train derailment in Lynchburg, VA) and MS4 mapping strategies.  If you are interested in attending this meeting, please contact Patrick Bowling ( or 717-772-3600).
PA Rural Water Association Short Course on Source Water Protection – Managing Risks
The PA Rural Water Association will be offering a short course that will enable water system operators and managers to understand their source water assessment results and to develop/implement effective source water protection area management approaches to minimize risks to their drinking water sources.  The course will be held on July 23 at the Aspire Hotel & Suites at the Eisenhower Hotel & Conference Center complex near Gettysburg.  There is a registration fee to attend and the course is worth 6 contact hours for eligible PA-certified drinking water operators.  Additional details and registration info can be found at